Light Weight Body Wood

Posted by admin on  January 15, 2019
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Category: Uncategorized
How light is light, really… Phone Caller:  “I’d like to buy a lightweight (LW) body please, but no one has what I need.” USACG: (Thinking this will be easy) “We typically have those in stock, what specifically were you looking for?” Phone Caller: “I’d like a 2 lb Mahogany body please.” USACG: (now realizing the impossible task at hand) “um did you say 5lbs?” Sounds funny now, but when you are on that call and trying to get

The Care And Feeding of Your New Neck or Body

Posted by admin on  October 25, 2018
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Category: Blog
Greetings Earthlings. In today’s installment of “Huh..?!,” we are going to highlight some do’s and don’ts that we have learned over many moons when it comes to guitar and bass bodies and necks. Ready? Care Instructions – Do’s and Don’ts DO – take your time finishing and assembling your instrument DON’T – leave it in the box for two years, in the garage, and then wonder why it is “extremely warped.” “Yes, your neck does


Posted by admin on  August 29, 2018
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Category: Blog
“Is this the man who lured Taggert and Rosemont into a gross dereliction of duty at a strip tease establishment…Uh, it’s Rosewood sir.” Ever since being lured into that gross dereliction of duty we have been struggling with Rosewood…maybe not his fault but still, right?! At this point everyone is aware of the CITES regs that hit us in late 2016. We responded immediately by cataloging all of our Rosewood and working with the US
Paulownia tone tapping

Tone Tapping

Posted by admin on  July 30, 2018
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Category: Blog
Ah yes…tone tapping…they holy grail of wood selection, the lost art, the end all be all.  Find a company that has a CTTS (CTTS – Certified Tone Tapping Specialist) governed and authorized by the GUAACTTAA (Global Universal Association of Associated Certified Tone Tappers Anonymously Anonymous) and you will get a fine piece of tone wood.  However, stray too far away from a CTTS and POW you’ll get…well…a fine piece of tone wood.  Yes really…we’re serious…nope,